Gloomy skies, cool weather, and silence fill my space. The gray clouds reminds me to continue to give myself grace.
The heart is in need of some comfort for sure.
I’ve done everything from cleaned, spent time with my love ones, binged watched TV, and more…
In the kitchen I went because I’m in the mood to fill my soul with my Mom’s Chili.
Pot here, pan there, and all of the ingredients my Mom sent…through a warming text message.
Okay baby, this is what you are going to do…
Get your tomatoes, a bit of paste, your seasoning of choice…dont forget get the chili powder, and blend it all down.
Grab you a few opinions, peppers (yellow, red, and green), and some garlic.
Chop them up as fine as you like.
Now I know you don’t eat beef so you go for the ground turkey and cook that up in your pan. Add your chopped veggies in there and cook those up with your meat.
In one large pot add your meat and veggies, your sauce, and your kidney beans.
Heat your oven to 350 degrees. That will keep you nice and warm on this gloomy chilly day. Take your cornbread mix and pour it right on top of your chili mix. I know, I know…you are thinking..Mom what are you doing? Do what I said. It is going to come out perfect.
Put the pot inside the oven and let it bake until the cornbread is done. Butter it per usual. By now your rice should be coming to a simmer. Cut the cornbread as you would if it was in a tray. Scoop out the chili with the cornbread on top. Place it on top of your rice, add a dollop of sour cream and garnish it with some shredded cheddar and scallions and just like that…I am there with you to comfort that big heart of yours.
I did as I was told and Mommy you were right. It came out perfect and my heart is now pampered with of your Love. I am now sitting in peace filled with ease…hey Mom, can you send me another recipe PLEASE?
It’s so crazy because I cooked some beans today too. I’m going to try the chili with the cornbread on top, sounds delicious.
That was beautiful yes it was